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About The Joe Cool Company

      The Joe Cool Company was founded by the family of Joe, pictured on the home page, after he suffered a traumatic brain injury. The Thumb Splint was developed to meet his needs, and was soon found to be useful to others with similar conditions.       Our other product, the Glove  has been developed under similar circumstances, and has also been useful for a wide range of needs.       
      Our products are designed with each child in mind. We make orthotics that are visually pleasing, stimulating, and comfortable, and give parents and children a product without that "medical" look. We know firsthand about the daily lives of families of children with special needs, and we try to be as supportive of them as we can.
       We enjoy getting to know our customers through e-mail and telephone. Please feel free to contact us and share your experiences and product needs. We would be happy to know you better.
Laurie Pratt
Joe's Mom

The Joe Cool Company
9448 Lady Dove Lane
South Jordan, UT 84095
1-800-399-2495 | Fax: 1- 801-270-8613


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